Monday, September 3, 2012

The Nitty and Gritty of Financial Strain with Little Kids

Why does finances cause so much stress and conflict in our lives?  It's just money, right???
That's what I used to think. 

Let me start with the fact that I know I am blessed. I have so much.   I have been blessed far more than I even deserve.  And there are people who have nothing, and they see me as rich beyond measure.  I write this post aware of this fact, and I am humbled. 

My family has been blessed with much and less.  When we are in times of much, I  often forget how to live with less.  Right now we are transition to a lean time.  I wanted to capture what happens when there is less at my home.

  • When we have less, your husband and you have to "debate" whether or not we can afford to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.  The kids cover their ears from the high volume of the "debate".

  • When we have less and a glass of milk spills to the floor, I do "cry" because I know that we can't buy more milk for over a week.

  • When we have less and the kids run out of their favorite snack, they don't understand we can't go run out and get more.  That hurts your heart and pride.

  • When we have less and the kids think it's fun to fill the toilet with toilet paper, you don't just laugh at their silly antics.  You might even get angry as you begin to sweat as you think of not having any toilet paper.

  • When we have less, you feel like a terrible parent at a play date when your kids begin to covet their buddies lunches full of yogurts, grapes, cheese sticks, juice boxes, etc.  Your kids have a peanut butter and homemade jelly sandwich and water.  And then you begin to get jealous.

  • When you have less, you get left out a lot.  Your friends can go and do and enjoy, and you and your family stay home.  (So we have backyard camp outs, picnics, and go for lots of walks.)

  • When you have less and you are invited to a kids' birthday, you have to sacrifice your food budget to buy a gift that you pray the child will actually like since it cost you a gallon of milk, 5 loaves of bread, and bananas for the month.

  • When you have less, you have old fashioned oatmeal for breakfast, lunch, and supper!

If you are in a lean time, I join you in the suffering, but I want to share with you MY HOPE. 
The secret to being content in any situation is turning your focus to the work of the Gospel and our true Provider and Protector.  I sing out loud this verse when I get down about having less.  And I praise God with this verse when I have much.

Philippians 4: 11:-13
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lessons Plans for Kindergarten Ocean Unit


Teaching for nine years and being trained to write and create curriculum, I thought I'd give it a shot to make my own homeschool curriculum. This is all based on Tennessee state standards. One of my goals as a homeschool mom is to follow the state guidelines. This is my first attempt at putting up my homeschool lessons on my blog. Please bare with me. I hope that someone else out there can make some use of it. Click the link that says Ocean Unit Lesson Plans to see it in pdf format. Let me know your thoughts!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Confession Leads to Mercy

As a mom, I am trying to teach my kids that  "he who conceals his sin does not prosper, but he who confesses and turns from his sin finds mercy."  When I was a young girl in middle school, I had a good friend that made me mad.  So I decided to do what every mislead youth does--RETALIATE.  I prank called her house and held up her line by leaving the phone off the hook.  While doing so something tragic happened.  Her father died.  Because I was holding the line, the hospital and emergency people could not contact her family to tell them the horrible news.  My actions caused this family to miss an opportunity to say good-bye. 

When I was confronted, I denied and lied.  For years, I built up protective walls around my heart denying my sin.  I honestly convinced myself that I was innocent of the accusations.  I began to despise and hate my friend because the guilt of my sin was eating me alive.  I chose to point my anger and rage towards her, the victim. 

I became a Christian when I was 16 (some 4 years later).  One of the things God called me to do was to confess my sin to this girl and her family.  With much fear and guilt, I confessed everything.  I remember the room was silent, and all eyes were pouring with tears.  Then I was surrounded by hugs and warm embraces.  I was told that the family had the phone company run a trace to determine the prankster, and that they had known all along.  The family told me that they had forgiven me a long time ago, and they were sorry I was living with the guilt for so long.  Instead of receiving much deserved scorn, anger words, or hatred, I found mercy. 

As my children come to me in brokeness over their sin, my heart is tender to them.  I pour out mercy.  When they are caught or resistant to the responsibility, I see that I need to step up the discipline.  This is even more true for our Father in Heaven when we come to Him with our sins.  He is rich in mercy, slow to anger, and abounds in love.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cajun Kickin' Chopped Up Chicken Sandwiches

I made up this recipe the other day, and my family is still talking about it and asking me to make it again.  It reminds me of a Philly cheesesteak.  It's a great way to squeeze in those veggies.  So I wanted to share with you.

Cooked chicken, cubed
bell pepper
salt and pepper
Cajun seasoning ( I use Tony Chachere's Original Creole Seasoning)
Cheddar cheese shredded

Saute bell peppers and onion in melted butter until onions are clear.  Add cooked chicken to peppers and onions.  Add seasoning to taste.  Cook until hot.  Sprinkle cheese over mixture.  Stir until melted.  Serve on buns, sub rolls, or toasted bread.

Look at all that green!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Elf on the Shelf Alternative: Keeping the Focus on Jesus

I know I'm too late for this year, but let's just say I'm very early for Christmas of 2012!  I have some ideas to share.  I want to hear some of your ideas as well.

All of my friends are doing the fun and exciting Elf on the Shelf type activities, but our family does not want to put a lot of emphasis on Santa or elves.   So my husband and I got to talking about what we could do to keep our focus on spiritual things at Christmas but have a lot of fun too!! 

We want to incorporate our nativity set more.  So we are going to place a kid friendly one under our tree on December 1.  We will tell read the story from Luke, and move the wisemen to the furthest place from our tree and set them there.  As we approach Christmas, we will move the wisemen closer to the tree each day.  Teaching points like the star on the top of the tree is like the star of Bethelem.

Okay here is the big idea: we will use the angel, who is a messenger, like the Elf on the Shelf.  Each day the angel will leave messages, presents, compliments, and guide Christmas activities like service projects, giving gifts, cards, etc.

I will be working on these ideas for 2012 and will share before next December. 

I just got so excited, I wanted to share and get your brain thinking too.

If you can cook, you can CAN!!!!

I am really working on learning how to cook and cook healthy.  With a family full of eager eaters, I need to get good fast.  Well this year I tackled canning.  And I want you to know that canning is just COOKING. That's it.  I always thought it was some scary or dangerous thing.  It's NOT.  I am making plans to can as soon as I can in 2012(hee hee..pun intended). And I will walk you through it and share my favorite recipes.
Here's over 40 jars of jelly that cost me less than 50 cents a jar.  I found the blackberries on the side of the road, plums in my family's yard,  and super cheap strawberries (99 cents a quart). 
The strawberry jam was berries and sugar, but it was so beautiful and fresh. 
You must try this one!!!

My little baby LOVED the homemade apple sauce that came from a local orchard.   Just apples and water--pure and simple and  healthy.   I got second apples and made sauce for pennies a jar!!

I also grew my own tomatoes and canned diced tomatoes.
The peaches came from my Georgia neighbors for 89 cents a pound which was 80 cents a jar.

If I can do this, you can do.  Think about it and join me in late spring and summer for some canning fun!!

Easy snowman craft with lights

Using recycled glass jars (pickles or salsa), white tempera paint, orange and black paint, two fuzzy socks, and some buttons, my preschool children had a blast making this craft.

I gave them sponges to paint to the outside.  After, I heated the jars in the oven at 175 degrees for a quick dry.  I painted the faces.  Then I cut the socks in half.  I used ribbon or bread ties to bunch up the hats to make a cute pom pom look on top. 

You can use short Christmas light strings or battery operated tea lights to illuminate.

These friendly snowmen can warm up a guest bathroom or  light up a child's room through a cold winter's night.