Friday, December 16, 2011

If you can cook, you can CAN!!!!

I am really working on learning how to cook and cook healthy.  With a family full of eager eaters, I need to get good fast.  Well this year I tackled canning.  And I want you to know that canning is just COOKING. That's it.  I always thought it was some scary or dangerous thing.  It's NOT.  I am making plans to can as soon as I can in 2012(hee hee..pun intended). And I will walk you through it and share my favorite recipes.
Here's over 40 jars of jelly that cost me less than 50 cents a jar.  I found the blackberries on the side of the road, plums in my family's yard,  and super cheap strawberries (99 cents a quart). 
The strawberry jam was berries and sugar, but it was so beautiful and fresh. 
You must try this one!!!

My little baby LOVED the homemade apple sauce that came from a local orchard.   Just apples and water--pure and simple and  healthy.   I got second apples and made sauce for pennies a jar!!

I also grew my own tomatoes and canned diced tomatoes.
The peaches came from my Georgia neighbors for 89 cents a pound which was 80 cents a jar.

If I can do this, you can do.  Think about it and join me in late spring and summer for some canning fun!!

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